Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sony Guy

From the original playstation thru the playstation 2 and currently with the PS3 it’s safe to say Sony has always remained an inch or two ahead of Microsoft. Before all the Xbox lovers argue with me, can we just assume PS3 gets the W for winning the bluray vs HD DVD battle? Speaking of which, how did it feel buying that extra bluray player since your system couldn’t play anything better than a dvd? Sorry, I am programed to just fight to the death whenever this battle ever gets mentioned which is what made me think about this blog post. 

I fear to mention it but I have actually been silently considering picking up a…. 360 (GASP).  Trust me, I realize how crazy it sounds and how I have likely just alienated the last few people I had on my side.  However, I feel like by taking the total fan boy stance in this sort of battle, you really limit yourself on what you can enjoy as a gamer.  People who fight the Chevy vs Dodge battle don’t have to really give anything up.  Either they choose one or the other and still drive from point A to point B in varying degrees of luxury/fuel economy.  With the PS3/360 fight, people are literally missing out on unique and amazing experiences.  I am able to speak from experience on this instance because I have never played a Gears of War game or anything more than the multiplayer of a Halo game.  Keeping in mind those two franchises have repeatedly set the bar for gamers, and I realize what I may have actually cost myself.  Granted at the time all of this was going on I was a poor ass college student who couldn’t have afforded both systems for the life of me which probably resulted in me hunkering down and fighting to the death for the PS3.  Although now that I’m an old man (read yesterday’s post to experience why that kinda sucks) I am actually able to afford to maintain a gaming library on both systems but have yet to do it because of old war wounds and tales of victory over the cowardly fighters of Microsoft.

Just think about all the great exclusive titles that gamers for one side or the other possibly miss out on, Gears of War, Halo, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid, and Grand Theft Auto.  As a gamer I have to fight the urge to say how much better ones party excluvies are far superior over the others, but it’s a fight that really doesn’t need to be fought.  They both have their perks and flaws and it’s not until you experience them all that you’re able to be a complete gamer.

For whatever reason you made the decision to side with one over the other I think you owe it to yourself to maybe reconsider opening up and giving the other system a shot. I for one am going to make it a point to pick up a 360 before Halo 4 comes out just to make sure I get a chance to be in on that bandwagon because if for no other reason than the Halo series revolutionized the way console people view online play of first person shooters.

As far people who refuse to play computer games, don’t even get me started.  I’m a fan, but if you want to argue that one out I’ll let Steve handle that since it’s safe to say he’s a PC fanboy.

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