Monday, September 24, 2012

Starcraft 2 Going F2P?

It appears that Blizzard is currently having brainstorming sessions regarding how they could go about transitioning the multiplayer aspect of SC2 into a free-to-play game.  Of course the logistics aren’t all that easy because they can’t really offer premium in-game content for a fee because it would throw off the competitive balance and make the game a sort of “pay to win” setup.  This change may be a long way off, but if it does it done it could provide a large boost to the e-sport competition around the world. 

Starcraft 2 has found quite a following and has awarded millions upon millions of dollars through a multitude of tournaments and events.  It has become a spectator sport, I myself fall into the group of people that could spend and does spend hours watching some of the pros play against each other.  There is something fascinating about watching pros go at it, be it on the field, court, or gaming battlefield.  This change could produce even more pros that have been hiding in the woodwork and are just looking for a reason and excuse to pick up Starcraft 2.


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