Friday, September 21, 2012

Growing Up is Hard

Is it just me or has anyone else come to the realization that life as a gamer really hits its peak around the high school and/or college years.  Those seems to be the moments when responsibility is at its lowest and free time is at its highest which results in the perfect storm for a gamer. I just remember my summers filled with often nothing but sports, playing outside, and video games. 

It was a dream scenario that I wish I had enjoyed more at the time.  However now I find myself working 40+ hrs a week, with bills to pay, things that need fixing, and a plethora of other duties that need to be accomplished all at the same time while trying to squeeze in as much gaming as I can.  It’s almost to the point now where I’ve decided this will likely be the last annual cycle that I pick up the gamut of EA sports games as I find myself with an ever shrinking window of opportunity to find the time to play each of them.  As an immediate example I look at the fact I have Starcraft 2, Minecraft, CS:GO, Dota2, Madden 13, and NHL 13 all waiting to be played.  That would be a handful for the 18-21 year old me, but the 26 year old me is beyond overwhelmed.  When Borderlands 2 dropped this past week I couldn’t even consider picking it up yet (even though I loved the 1st and will get this 2nd eventually) because I knew it just would end up gathering dust.  A $60 paperweight doesn’t exactly bode well with the significant other. 

Speaking of significant others, that is an another and even more important item that you devote your time to as we get older.  Some lucky few get significant others who may be okay with the gaming habit or if you’ve really hit pay dirt they play right along with you.  Sadly my situation falls barely into the former, although I’m making a push to subliminally get her into playing games, so that cuts back the amount of judgement free gaming I’m allowed and able to get in during any session.  Not sure if that qualifies for anyone else out there, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed yours will play with you. (Please note, staying gender neutral as I assume the one or two female readers will appreciate it)

To sum it all up, growing old has many perks over being a poor-ass student (namely the income that is now there) but the severely cut back free time and overall increase in responsibility really make it suck to try and live up to the gaming lifestyle you had grown accustomed to.

This sound like you? Found a way to best “the man”? Share in the comments as I would love to learn from the masters.

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