Thursday, February 26, 2015

Advocare - An Amazing Product Line

Advocare - An Amazing Product Line

I'm sure many of my followers have not heard of this health care product called advocare, but recently I started this program and felt inclined to share this wonderful product with the world.

Product line and Information

Product Line for all you weight lifters

Science Behind Advocare

Let me kind of share my story, first I'm a computer programmer who really had no desire to workout and get fit, just didn't fit into my schedule nore lifestyle.  One of my close friends introduced me to this product called Advocare, at first I was extremely skeptical and basically said I don't take supplements, or do I want to work out on a daily basis.    Simply put, my expectations of this product were extremely wrong!

I sat through a few meetings and realized that one of the big perks of this product was it conforming to my lifestyle, simple changes in my diet made things very easy to use and start seeing results.  My Fiance and I started with the 24 Day challenge and on Day 3 we were already noticing the results.  The biggest thing was the energy and AMAZING nights sleep we both got.  We both woke up feel refreshed, and ready to take on the day.  part of the 24 Day Challenge includes a Coffee and Soda replacement called Spark, I haven't had a single cup of coffee or a soda in almost 3 months but have continued taking the Spark after my Challenge to give me good healthy energy without the afternoon dragging feeling that normally happens after coffee/soda.  All in all I haven't changed to much of my lifestyle, started eating a bit healthier that was about it.

Through the 24-Day Challenge they give you a easy to follow guide/book that walks you through your day and what products need to be taken at what time, it also outlines food/drinks that should be avoided and help speed up the weight loss/muscle gain process, making things VERY simple!

In total in the first 10 days of the challenge I lost 5lbs, my fiance' also lost 5lbs.  The first ten days is the cleanse which was probably the hardest because of the citrus fiber drinks (overall not that bad it was me just being a big baby), over the last 14 days its a mixture of Vitamins, Spark, and healthy eating, I lost a total 9lbs, and my fiance lost another 6lbs.  All in all total weight loss in just 24 days is 14lbs for myself, and 11lbs for my fiance'.

As I said earlier we have continued using multiple products that have made us feel better as a whole and have more energy, while allowing us to burn fat and gain muscle.  We are BOTH VERY pleased with our results and hope to pass this information on to everyone who reads this.

Not only do you lose weight and gain muscle but the benefit of this product is there are opportunities to make money and become a distributor but just sharing your personal experience and getting this wonderful product in people hands.  The best advice I can give someone is to just try the product out for yourselves and see how great it works, even just simple cutting out coffee and soda for a glass of Spark makes a world of difference in your work day!

For more information please write in the comments below or check out the two links below.

Product line and Information

Product Line for all you weight lifters

Science Behind Advocare

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