Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Spread the word about 'BanterAboutTech'

Spread the word about 'BanterAboutTech'

Banter About Tech is a Blog/Community about everything and anything Technology related.  We pull articles from all over the internet and compile them in one location giving our users a one stop shop for the latest tech news.

We are off to a strong start just would like you enlist you all in spreading the word out our wonderful blog to help us grow!  There are a few things that would greatly help, and we will go into detail below.

1.) First step would be Following our Blog using your Google account:
The more followers we get the better!

2.) Second Step is to Google +1 us on google plus.  This will help spread the blog around the Google + Community!  
Any +1's would be GREAT!

3.)  Step 3 has multiple smaller steps, but pretty much all the same concept.  Spreading each blog post through social media.  At the end of each blog post you will see links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.  If you have accounts please feel free to share the posts, these links make it quick and easy!

4.)The Fourth step is to follow us on Social Media.  Everything we post on our blog gets posted to our Twitter Page, Facebook Page, Pinterest Page, and Google+ Page.  All of the link for each are listed below!

If you could please Like and Share our Facebook page that will help create some awareness!  Right now any Blog posts posted to our main site ( gets posted to our Facebook page also.

Twitter Handle: @scubastevo2005 - Everything that is posted to our blog gets sent there.  I have multiple people who retweet and like the links we share.  Please follow @scubastevo2005 for your latest tech news from Banter About Tech.  Anything that is posted to our main site ( gets posted to our Twitter page also.

Google +: Google+ Page
This page we just started and are working on getting all the details sorted out.  But as of right now any Blog posts posted to our main site ( gets posted to our Google+ page also.

Follow Banter About Technology on Pinterest.  Similar to the Above social networks everything gets posted to our Pinterest page, We separate our posts into categories that fit the post so things are easier to find also!

5.) The 5th thing to keep things rolling along smoothly would be to PLEASE spread the word about Feel free to copy all of these links and spread them over the Web!

6.) The 6th thing we can do as a community is to leave comments and have open discussion on blog posts!  Any comments are welcome and will be checked  as soon as they come in.

7.)  The last and final thing if Ads, Ads help keep us a float so please make sure ad blockers are turned off so ads can be displayed properly! 

With all these small items we should be able to make Banter About Tech a great Technology brand/news source!  Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance from the banter about tech team!

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