Friday, October 31, 2014

Prey 2 is officially dead

Prey 2 is officially dead

Prey 2, sequel to the 2006 first-person shooter from Human Head Studios, has officially been cancelled according to a statement from Bethesda's Pete Hines delivered to CNET.

This death knell is the end of an extremely rocky road that included being leaked in 2011, switching publishers from Radar Group to Bethesda and a rumored transfer of the entire project from Human Head to Dishonored developer Arkane Studios.

"It was a game we believed in, but we never felt that it got to where it needed to be — we never saw a path to success if we finished it," Hines told CNET at PAX Australia. "It wasn't up to our quality standard and we decided to cancel it. It's no longer in development. That wasn't an easy decision, but it's one that won't surprise many folks given that we hadn't been talking about it."

Polygon has reached out to Bethesda and Human Head for more details.

Original Article at

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