Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nintendo returns to profit thanks to 'Super Smash Bros.'

Nintendo returns to profit thanks to 'Super Smash Bros.'

Super Smash Bros. isn't just fun to play, it also gave Nintendo a fun financial quarter, as well. For the first time in a while, the Japanese company turned a profit, 24 billion yen worth ($224 million) to be exact. That's a big U-turn over last quarter, when it managed to lose 9.9 billion yen ($97 million). Overall, Nintendo sold 3.2 million copies of Super Smash Bros. worldwide and 1.3 million 3DS units, not bad considering that sales started late in the quarter. Plus, the game hasn't even launched yet on the Wii U, but sales of that console were also up 22 percent in anticipation of the November 21st launch. Along with upcoming Amiibo figurines, all that should set Nintendo up for a nice Christmas quarter. Despite the good news, however, overall sales are still down 12.8 percent over last year -- and Super Smash Bros. games don't come along every day.

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