Monday, October 27, 2014

Help Write the Forza Horizon 2 Travel Guide, Win an Xbox One and an HDTV - Jalopnik

Help Write the Forza Horizon 2 Travel Guide, Win an Xbox One and an HDTV

Okay, Europe is pretty awesome as a travel destination, but it has its difficulties. It's expensive to get there, communicating with the locals can be difficult, and even if blazing around the hairpin turns of the Amalfi Coast didn't already present the serious possibility of death, what's the point if you can't do it in a 2015 Lamborghini Huracán?

, on the other hand, costs way less than a transatlantic flight and comes with a Lamborghini. And a Pagani Huayra. Not to mention more than two hundred of the world's greatest cars, none of which you'd ever be able to get your hands on otherwise. It's a racing game, but it's more than that too: it's a totally immersive experience that drops you on the Mediterranean coast, gives you the keys to your dream car, and lets you decide what happens next.

Because the world of Forza is so huge, we're creating a travel guide you won't find in the any bookstore. It will highlight the must-visit destinations in Forza's — both for those who want to see the sights at 200 MPH speeds and those who are looking for a relaxing day trip through the idyllic countryside. And since even the most dedicated Forza racer can't see it all without logging at least a hundred hours at the console, we need your help.

For the guide we'll be compiling, we want you to submit your game-play videos of the coolest, most beautiful, and most offbeat places to see in the game. Upload your off-the-map finds to YouTube, drop them in the comments for us to check out, and we'll pick our favorites to feature in our upcoming travel guide. And the reader who submits the best video of all gets a brand new Xbox One, signed by the pretty-damn-visionary creators behind . So get out there and start exploring.

Update: To sweeten the pot for the lucky ones among you who already have an Xbox One, we're adding another prize to the mix: a sweet, 51-inch Samsung Smart TV that will make the world of Forza Horizon so real you'll practically be able to feel the wind on your face.

Contest Rules
Standard contest rules apply. Only open to US residents. Readers may also enter by sending their contact information to Gawker Media, Attn: Forza Xbox Contest, 210 Elizabeth Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10012. The contest begins on October 27, 2014 at 12:00 PM ET and ends on October 29, 2014 at 9:30 AM ET.

In addition to our normal Contest Rules, Entrant represents and warrants that they hold all rights to the materials submitted as their entry to the contest (except for those rights owned by Microsoft and/or Xbox) including, but not limited to, the rights to any play or characters that are controlled by other game players, or other contributions by any third parties, that are included in their entry. Entrant grants to Gawker the irrevocable and freely sublicensable right to use any of the materials Entrant submits as their entry to the contest. If Entrant's submission is chosen as the winning submission, Entrant will be notified by Kinja comment or before October 30, 2014, and may be required to sign a release at Gawker's discretion. Entrant grants to Gawker the right to use their name, Kinja name and likeness in any media in connection with publicizing and promoting the contest and Forza Horizon 2.

Neither Gawker Media, Gawker Media sponsors (including Microsoft and/or Xbox), nor employees of Gawker Media or sponsors may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of any winners of a prize once possession has been taken of the product by winner. Gawker Media is not liable for any loss arising out of or in connection with or resulting from any contest promoted by Gawker Media.

This post is a sponsored collaboration between and Studio@Gawker.

Original Article at

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