Thursday, October 4, 2012

Nokia Lumia 920

AT&T Exclusive Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 Release

Its a sad day for all other cell phone carriers who are windows phone 8 fans.  One of the hottest most anticipated phone releases of the years is strictly on AT&T one of the crappiest wireless networks out there. So Nokia's come back attempt and a massive launch of Windows Phone 8 you would think they would want it in as many peoples hands in as many networks as possible to compete with the Iphone.  Granted Nokia and AT&T pretty much were together from the beginning lets not forgot AT&T pretty much dropped Nokia like a bad habit when the Iphone came out.

Hopefully the Lumia's will spread to other networks quickly otherwise Android and IOS phones will still dominate the market because no phone is worth loose the great coverage Verzion offers, not to mention the speeds that Verzion has compared to AT&T.  Lets hope Nokia sees the grass is greener on the other side and breaks free from the poor AT&T network, and plants its quality phone into a quality network, that will make people love it verses hate it!

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