Tuesday, September 25, 2012

WOW: Mist of Pandaria Now Available

WOW: Mist of Pandaria Now Available

All you WOW gamer's out there finally get another expansion set for the game.

Mists of Pandaria is the fourth World of Warcraft expansion, taking the eternal sort-of-battle between Horde and Alliance to a brand new, Asian themed corner of Azeroth. Most of the classic species have been to night-school to learn the ways of the Monk, while both Horde and Alliance welcome a new member – the neutral Pandaren, whose homeland is about to be torn apart by several million kill-crazy players in search of gold, glory and ever tougher monsters to beat into a fine paste in the name of loot.

But can this new world turn around World of Warcraft’s recent fortunes, or is it just pandaren? Join us in the Mists of Pandaria review in progress all week for regular dispatches from the furry frontier.

Seems to me like Blizzard is taking a lot of the positives from its recently released Diablo and implementing them in the WOW world.  Me Not being a fan of WOW makes it hard to give a good review but i will admit this is one of the longest most popular games on the market today so they must be doing something right.  maybe instead of making starcraft 2 a free to play game, they should turn WOW into a free to play, buy the games and expansions and your free to go!  

Anyone reading who has played this new release please leave comments regarding your feelings about the recently released expansion.

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